At our flower shop in Kuala Lumpur, we take pride in being one of the top florists, offering speedy express delivery of unique floral arrangements that elevate any occasion. Whether you’re looking to surprise a loved one or brighten up your own space, we offer a carefully curated selection of the most attractive flowers and bouquets in Kuala Lumpur. Order online today and make every moment special with our exceptional flowers.
Showing 1–9 of 65 results
A Special Someone #1002
RM70.00 -
Abundant Rose Bouquet #1046
RM70.00 -
Bloom In Yellow Bouquet #3020
RM80.00 -
Blooming Daisy Bouquet #3008
RM80.00 -
Champagne Rose Bouquet #1047
RM70.00 -
Classic Lily Bouquet with Bear #4003
RM80.00 -
Delight Bouquet #4006
RM80.00 -
Delightful Roses with Bear #1045
RM90.00 -
Dreamland Red Rose Bouquet #1003