Online Store
Impress your loved one with designer flowers from the best flower delivery in KL. With flowers for every occasion, choose between beautiful flower bouquets and special hand bouquets.
Limited Time Only. Browse thought our flower bouquet list!
Our Roses Bouquets
A Special Someone #1002
RM70.00 -
Abundant Rose Bouquet #1046
RM70.00 -
Champagne Rose Bouquet #1047
RM70.00 -
Delightful Roses with Bear #1045
RM90.00 -
Dreamland Red Rose Bouquet #1003
RM70.00 -
Infinite Love #1048
RM120.00 -
Little Pinky #1054
RM70.00 -
My Big Heart #1055
RM300.00 -
My Heart #1050
RM300.00 -
Roses & Tulip Bouquet #1056
RM560.00 -
Somone Special #1053
RM70.00 -
Sparkling Rose Bouquet #1005
Sunflower Bouquets
Wedding Arrangements
Contact Us
We take pride in going at great lengths to find the most luxurious flowers from around the world and bring them right to you.